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The escalating need for dental implant treatments has paved the way for the emergence of dental tourism. In this practice, people venture to foreign countries for cost-effective dental procedures. Thailand has notably emerged as a hotspot for this trend, offering dental implant services at significantly lower prices than those in Western countries. However, it’s crucial for patients to understand that the potential drawbacks of getting dental implants in Thailand may often outweigh the savings. In this article, we will examine these potential pitfalls and emphasise the importance of considering all factors when making such decisions.

Understanding Dental Implants

Dental implants are a solution in dentistry employed to substitute missing teeth. They consist of three parts: a screw, an abutment, and a crown, each serving distinct functions in the implant process. The screw is surgically placed into the jawbone and serves as the artificial root for the tooth. Attached to the screw is the abutment, which essentially bridges the gap between the screw and the crown. The crown, the visible part of the implant, is tailor-made to harmonise with the rest of the teeth. Designed to emulate the look and function of natural teeth, dental implants offer a durable and long-lasting remedy for tooth loss. 

Procedure for Dental Implants

The process of dental implant treatment usually unfolds across multiple steps. It starts with an extensive evaluation and analysis of the patient’s oral health to determine if they are a good candidate for dental implants. If deemed appropriate, dental implant surgery is performed, during which the screw is implanted into the jawbone. This is followed by a recovery period for the implant to bond with the bone, an event known as osseointegration. Once this integration succeeds, the abutment is affixed, and a mould is constructed to construct a custom crown. In the final stage, the personalised crown is secured on the abutment, completing the dental implant procedure.



Types of Dental Implants

Several different types of dental implants are available, designed to cater to the patient’s specific needs. They include:

Endosteal Implants

These are the most commonly utilised dental implants, inserted directly into the jawbone. Typically shaped like screws or cylinders, endosteal implants are made from titanium, a material compatible with the body and integrated well with bone tissue.

Subperiosteal Implants

These implants are positioned on the jawbone but underneath the gum tissue. Subperiosteal implants come into play when the patient lacks the necessary bone height or density to support endosteal implants. These implants feature a metal framework that secures the artificial teeth.

Immediate Load Implants

Cost Of Dental Implants Thailand check balmoralOften referred to as same-day implants or teeth-in-a-day, immediate-load implants are dental implant techniques that allow patients to receive a temporary tooth replacement on the same day as their implant surgery. This contrasts with conventional dental implant procedures, which usually entail a healing period of several months before the permanent crown can be fitted. Immediate load implants accelerate the process, offering instant functionality and cosmetic improvements. However, only some patients are ideal candidates for immediate load implants, as this method demands sufficient initial stability of the implant and a thorough patient selection process.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Enhanced Aesthetics

Dental implants considerably improve the aesthetics of one’s smile and the overall look of the face. The crown of the implant is designed to mimic the colour, shape, and size of the adjacent natural teeth, contributing to a seamless and natural-looking smile. Dental implants can augment facial symmetry and revive a youthful appearance by filling in spaces left by missing teeth.

Boosted Self-Confidence

With the restoration of a complete and natural-looking smile, dental implants often significantly boost self-confidence. Missing teeth can sometimes lead to feelings of self-consciousness or embarrassment. Dental implants help to overcome these feelings by providing a solution that closely replicates the appearance and function of natural teeth.

Preservation of Bone Structure

One of the less noticeable but equally important benefits of dental implants is jawbone preservation. When a tooth is lost, the absence of stimulation to the jawbone that typically comes from the tooth’s root can lead to bone loss over time. Replacing the root structure with a dental implant provides the necessary stimulation, helping maintain the health and shape of the jawbone.

Improved Oral Health

Unlike other tooth replacement options like bridges, dental implants do not require the alteration of adjacent teeth. This means more teeth are left intact, improving long-term oral health. Additionally, with the gap filled, dental implants can help prevent issues such as shifting teeth and bite problems.

Convenience and Durability

Dental implants are designed to be a long-lasting solution. They are made from robust and durable materials and can withstand daily wear and tear. Furthermore, they are a fixed solution, providing convenience because they do not need to be removed for cleaning like dentures. With proper care and good oral hygiene, dental implants can last many years, often for a lifetime.

Improved Functionality

Dental implants function like natural teeth, allowing for comfortable eating and speaking. They eliminate the discomfort and inconvenience often associated with dentures, providing a stable and secure fit. Patients can enjoy their favourite foods without worry, improving their quality of life.

In summary, dental implants offer a host of benefits that extend beyond just aesthetics. They provide a long-lasting, convenient solution that promotes oral health, preserves facial structure, enhances functionality, and boosts self-esteem.

Drawbacks of Dental Implants in Thailand

Language Obstacle

Cost Of Dental Implants In Thailand tooth colour balmoralProcuring dental implants in Thailand may come with the significant challenge of language differences. Even with the aid of interpreters and bilingual staff provided by several dental clinics, the complexity of communication persists. This may lead to misinterpretations, particularly concerning technical terms, resulting in complications and outcomes that must meet expectations. To minimise these concerns, it is crucial to select a dental clinic that prioritises transparent communication and is quick to ask questions until every aspect of the dental implant procedure is understood.

Scarcity of Immediate Load Implants

In Thailand, the provision of immediate load implants is restricted. Plus, these implants demand considerable proficiency and specialisation, which could only be found in select clinics in the country.

Potential for Jaw Bone Deterioration

There’s a risk that some Thai dental clinics may not adequately address the issue of jaw bone loss, possibly leading to significant deterioration over time. Despite the financial advantages offered by dental tourism, it’s necessary to carefully evaluate the possible risks and downsides. It’s crucial to seek advice from a trusted dental professional and to conduct in-depth research into the chosen dental clinic.

Quality Concerns

One of the primary drawbacks of getting dental implants in Thailand is the concern over quality. While Thailand does have some highly trained and reputable dentists, not all clinics offer the same standards of care. The quality of the materials used in dental implants can also vary, and substandard materials could compromise the procedure’s long-term success. Besides, there might be variability in the standard of sterilisation and infection control across different clinics, which can further put the patient’s health at risk.

Qualification and Training of Dental Professionals

Although there are undoubtedly well-trained and experienced dentists in Thailand, the level of expertise and training can greatly vary from one practitioner to another. Australian dentists must meet high educational and training standards, ensuring they are well-equipped to handle complications that may arise during or after the procedure. The experience and proficiency of the dentist significantly impact the success rate of dental implant surgery.

Follow-Up Care and Maintenance

Follow-up care is a crucial aspect of the dental implant process, and it may be challenging for patients to travel back to Thailand for their follow-up appointments. Missed follow-ups can lead to unnoticed complications or failures. Additionally, in case of any issues or complications post-surgery, dealing with a foreign clinic might be challenging and stressful.

Local Regulations and Standards

Dental standards and regulations in Australia are stringently maintained by the Dental Board of Australia and the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency. In comparison, while Thailand does have regulations in place, they might need to be more strictly enforced or adhered to, as in Australia. This might result in variations in the standards of care received.

Insurance and Legal Recourse

Most Australian dental insurance does not cover procedures done overseas, making the out-of-pocket cost potentially higher than expected. Furthermore, in case of malpractice or procedural issues, the avenues for legal recourse might need to be clarified or more straightforward in Thailand as they would be in Australia. Legal action can be complicated, expensive, and time-consuming when dealing with foreign clinics and laws.

Travel and Accommodation Costs

While the dental implant procedure cost may be lower in Thailand, one must also consider the additional costs of travel, accommodation, and potentially extended stays for recovery. These costs can add up quickly and may make the overall cost of getting dental implants in Thailand comparable to, or even more than, the cost in Australia.

In conclusion, while the lower costs of dental implants in Thailand seem attractive, it’s important to consider all these factors to make an informed decision. Quality, aftercare, and peace of mind all play significant roles in the success of dental implant treatment.

Dental Implants in Australia

Australia is at the forefront of dental care and treatments, maintaining some of the most superior standards globally. If you’re a resident or a foreign patient, here’s why Australia could be your go-to destination for dental implants:

Exceptional Quality

The dental field in Australia operates under strict regulations and lofty professional standards. Overseen by the Australian Dental Association, these standards ensure every dentist provides nothing less than top-grade care, giving patients the confidence of exceptional treatment.

Skilled Practitioners

Australian dentists rank among the world’s most seasoned and highly educated. They are dentists in their domains, having received comprehensive education and practical training. Their knowledge extends to diverse dental treatments, including dental implants.

State-of-the-art Facilities

Dental clinics in Australia employ the latest technologies, encompassing digital X-rays, 3D imaging, precision milling machines, and sophisticated sterilisation methods. This allows dentists to perform treatments with utmost precision and effectiveness, enhancing the results.

Cosmetic Dentistry Expertise

Australia’s proficiency in cosmetic dentistry is globally acknowledged. Dental implant procedures aim not only to substitute missing teeth but also to rejuvenate your smile. Australian cosmetic dentists excel at procedures that make your implants mimic natural teeth and appear visually appealing.

No Dental Tourism Required

cost of dental implants Thailand materials balmoralWhile some resort to dental tourism to save costs, it’s unnecessary if you’re in Australia. The potential complications, substandard materials, and lack of aftercare linked with dental tourism can be bypassed. Even though the cost might be higher, the calibre of care and peace of mind gained from Australian dental implants make it a worthwhile consideration.

Bear in mind that it’s crucial to thoroughly consult a dental professional before deciding on any dental treatment. They can evaluate your oral health, discuss the most suitable treatment alternatives, and guide you.


In summary, despite the allure of Thailand for dental tourism, potential drawbacks must be noticed. Major concerns encompass the absence of strict regulation, inexperienced practitioners, inadequate post-procedure support, limited availability of treatments, and the potential threat of jaw bone deterioration. Domestic dental clinics in your homeland are equipped to deliver top-quality dental implant procedures with extensive post-treatment support. The final choice lies with the patient, but it’s critical to thoroughly evaluate all aspects before embarking on dental tourism in Thailand. Don’t hesitate to contact our expert dental team at (07) 3113 9789 today to schedule your initial consultation!

Note: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.


Dental Implants. Part I: Biological basis, implant types, and the peri-implant sulcus https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8699485/

Dental implants and how crucial replacing teeth really is https://www.dentalhealth.org/Blog/dental-implants-and-how-crucial-replacing-teeth-really-is 

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